Monday, September 04, 2006

Feminism is the radical notion that women

The spirited debate on the Status of Women was an enlightening one.

It has allowed people who enjoy their families and who don't consider themselves particularly political to become familiarized with certain harsh truths about people who are supporters of continuing funding for the Status of Women.

There has been many reasoned people that have provided academic research and greatly considered points behind their perspective. Surprisingly, I am one of the voices who is against funding the Status of Women but who would not affiliate with REAL women. I see many flaws in their organization and I would never identify myself as a REAL woman.

I am also one of the people who is against the continued funding of Status of Women but who believes that as part of being a compassionate society we have to help people who have low incomes with child care. I am very pro-life and I think you are a pretty messed up pro-lifer if you don't want to help people with children! As I said, there are reasonable people on the other side of the debate. There was a gentleman posting just this morning one of the most reasonable posts I have seen on this whole topic in weeks.

Sadly, there have also those who have been observably hostile towards women who did not agree with them. I was a bit surprised by the extent of the hostility and, honestly, quite surprised that it was a very male dominated hostility.

One of the struggles I have is figuring out whether or not the people who are reasoned and polite are just being that way because it's in print but who are quietly clapping silent support for the nasty comments in their mind or if those people who define women who disagree as "cunts" and "harots are a silent majority. With one person in particular I believe that I can safely say that they do not see it as acceptable to talk about any woman using those terms and that their cordial research-oriented presentation is genuine. Others? I can't say. I don't know.

Here are some examples of the words of those who identify themselves as Status of Women supporters:

"Are you content with staying at home and not making a difference in the world" (a statement made by a more middle of the road person surprisingly)

"Now practice practice practice and you too will be able to call those cunts "cunts" without that lingering uncomfortable feeling" (advice given by a female to a male who seemed to be grappling with using this forbidden word)

"Someone should tell all those REAL bloggers to stop typing and get baking"

"REAL women don't shower. Too busy doing laundry"

"You don't need to join a group of like minded women and lobby the government to stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen; all you need do is find the right man"

" how does a stay at home mom benefit society as a whole.....they don’t. it’s a selfish choice. and daycare is good for kids - just like puppies they need to be socialized"

"23 year old with three kids?...Harlot!"
Ti-Guy, at 5:15 PM
"Yeah, Christ, what a slut"
by Heretic

"Just another dumb cunt"

The "harlot" "slut" and "cunt" comments directed at myself because I started a family younger in life than their principles and values would have recommended. And, fair enough, not everyone wants to get married or should get married young. Nobody should get a married a second before they are ready.

It is, however, a potentially wonderful choice for those of us who felt so inclined and had the opportunity.

It is also wonderful if a feminist decides she never wants to be married....
or if a feminist decides she never wants to have children...

I would never call a woman a "harlot" or a "cunt" or a "slut" because she married at a different age than I did...
or because she decided not to raise children....
or she decides to have one or two....rather than a big family

but then those are not my values....I am not a feminist...

whenever people experience doubt about whether or not they are being fair or balanced in recognizing the merits of feminism versus the sense that it has gone too far....they only need to look at quotes like this...

this last week must remind mothers that the next generation of little girls simply has to be taught what feminism thinks about their their worth as a child...about their mothers.......about the value of childbearing....about the importance of marriage....and about their family unit...

those little girls need to understand from a very very young age how feminism sees the world....

we must talk to our daughters, our grandbabies, and our nieces openly about what the feminist message means...

to discuss it in our homes...

and in our churches....

and, yes, in the schools

it must be realized this isn't just about basic core human rights...
this is about de-valuing some women....

seeing some women as "harlots" and "cunts"....

and teaching that...

and weaving it into our culture...



clearly those are terms rejected by society but that have evolved into some kind of new feminist speak now.

Feminism is the radical notion that women who disagree with you are cunts.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Very interesting post.

I think you'll get some backlash.

2:37 PM  

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