Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Carlotta wrote on her blog the plight of children raised in homes that used physical discipline.


She was explaining why she was boycotting linking to a home-schooling organization that was raising funds for Pastor Pearl and his wife who are facing consequences for their use of corporal punishment.


"This is a sampling of Pearl's advice from "To Train Up a Child" and his newsletter, "No Greater Joy":PROBLEM Baby bites during breast-feeding SOLUTION Pull baby's hair

Who would PULL their BABY"S hair during nursing?

PROBLEM Rebellious child who runs from disciplineSOLUTION "If you have to sit on him to spank him, then do not hesitate. And hold him there until he has surrendered. Prove that you are bigger, tougher, more patiently enduring, and are unmoved by his wailing. Hold the resisting child in a helpless position for several minutes, or until he is totally surrendered. Accept no conditions for surrender -- no compromise. You are to rule over him as a benevolent sovereign. Your word is final."

Who on God's green earth sits on their child? What kind of parenting skill is that - to prove you are "bigger" and "tougher" ?

I wouldn't have thought a person outweighing someone by 50lbs choosing to sit on a helpless child would be referred to as "patiently enduring" - it's called insanity.

PROBLEM Child whines to mother after father disciplines himSOLUTION Mother must go over to child and "give him one or two licks on his exposed ankles or legs while commanding, 'Obey your father

What person wouldn't comfort their child if he was emotionally needy or HURT after an assault?

PROBLEM Child liesSOLUTION Switch him 10 times at noon each day. Make him pick the tree branch. PROBLEM What to use for a rodSOLUTION For babies under age 1, a footlong willow branch shaved of its knots. For older kids, plastic plumbing pipe, a 3-foot shrub cutting or a belt to help turn a child "back from the road to hell."

Who would use a willow branch on a baby under one? WHO? What person has so lost their mind?

I must say I have not been a part of this debate and I don't know the full history. I just happened upon her blog today when I was looking at a comment she made on mine. What a horrific thing for Christian people to be supporting willow branches on babies and assaults on little children. That is our shame.


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