Sunday, August 26, 2007

Samuel Charles Mabeus: A little miracle has an incredible update with photographs of his first birthday and a video along with just a real flavour of hope.

Here is the original testimony of his mother.

My trisomy journey began on March 13, 2006. I was called to come into the office to discuss the results of my A.F.P. that I had at 16 weeks two weeks prior on March 1st. They explained to me that I had tested positive for trisomy 18. They tested it twice, recalculating my due date for they thought that maybe I had been tested too early. Both results were positive, so I found myself two days later at the perinatologist office waiting to receive a level two ultrasound and amnio. they performed the ultrasound first. The doctor, after looking at the baby for 45 minutes, said that the baby looked just fine and assured me that they usually always find markers on ultrasound with those babies.

He then performed the amnio anyway and told me to go home and relax. I had two weeks of elation. Then two weeks later, on March 29th, my world as I had known it would change forever. I received a phone call from my doctors office to come in right away because they had my test results. When I got in there, my doctor told me the amnio was also abnormal, not for trisomy 18, but for trisomy 13. I was in pure shock! I told the doctor that the ultrasound was normal and he said that there are just some things that you just cannot see. He gave me three choices, adoption, abortion, or to keep the baby in which our lives would change forever. We were given two days to make the decision.

Two days later, on March 31st, My husband and I found ourselves in the doctors office hearing the worst things I could possibly ever hear in all my life. Unlike most of the trisomy families, we did not hear the typical "incompatible with life" or "no hope". Those things would have been hard enough to hear. What we heard, was that we already had three children and with an abortion, we could move on and forget and one day have more children. He also said that if our son was in a car accident and all of his bones were broken, what choice do you think you would make? Do you really want to change diapers for the rest of your life? This is not a baby, this is a fetus. Why would you put your other children through this? Multiple abnormalities and a one in a million shot of a mild case. There was much more, but you get the idea. He then put us on the phone with an abortion clinic right then and there. I can just remember being in a fog and feeling very paralyzed.

Well, we chose to continue the pregnancy in spite of everything. I changed doctors immediately and through a lot of tears and soul searching, and finding support from the trisomy group, (Therese Ann, Bess, and Liz) and through the strength of the Lord, continued on this difficult journey. By the way, my doctor never told us that it was Mosaic trisomy 13. We looked at our genetic papers and did our own research.

During the pregnancy, no abnormalities were ever found, not on ultrasound nor by the cardiologist. It was a bittersweet pregnancy that at times I could really enjoy and some days I wished I was not pregnant at all! It was such an emotional roller coaster ride to say the least.

On July 17th, at 34 weeks, due to a high amniotic fluid level, Samuel Charles Mabeus entered the world at 12:58 p.m. weighing in at 4 lbs. 15 oz. and 17 inches long. He was immediately taken to the N.I.C.U. due to his breathing. He spent the next few days on a ventilator, feeding tubes and bili light. A few days later, he still had a few scares of heart rate dropping along with apnea.

Then, on Wednesday July 26, we got some unexpected news. Samuel’s karotype came back normal! He has no detectable traces of Trisomy 13 in his blood! On Tuesday, Oct 2, this was confirmed by skin test. Again, NO TRACE OF TRISOMY 13 HAS YET BEEN FOUND IN HIS BODY!!! The doctor gave us a one in a million shot of a “mild case”. Samuel is living proof that miracles can and do happen and as accurate as prenatal testing can be errors can and do happen. More importantly, he is living proof of the healing power of prayer and greatness of our God! Even if Samuel ever develops problems now or down the road from the trsiomy that was once in his body, or if it is ever found in his little body, he will always be our miracle! He is living and thriving and a blessing to all who know him!

Samuel is our little miracle and I know he is a message of hope for all those out there who have received an adverse prenatal diagnosis. Please know that Samuel may have more medical or health issues than the average childand we will not know the affects of the trisomy that was once in his body for quite some time or if it is still hiding in there somewhere. Despite any challenges that may or may not lie ahead, carrying Samuel to term was the best decision we have ever made and Samuel is nothing less than a gift and a miracle. We will keep everyone up to date on his progress. May God continue to bless all of you and thank you for all your support and prayers.


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