Sunday, October 01, 2006

Where were you Stephen?

Today was an important annual pro-life event where people in every major city and some towns in Canada took to the streets to share the message that abortion hurts women, kills babies, and that as a nation we need to move towards choosing life.

Thousands gathered throughout the country to proclaim this message.

Mr. Harper is a member of the Christian Missionary Alliance Church and is a member of a congregation in Ottawa where he and his family have historically attended.

Many at his church attended.

Mr. Harper did not.

Thousands of people active in the pro-life volunteered money to his election.

He never showed up today.

Thousands of people active in the prolife volunteered their time to his MP's and to the CPC party.

Mr. Harper never showed up today.

Thousands upon thousands of pro-life people voted for the CPC party.

Mr. Harper never showed up today.

Mr. Harper promised during the election to do everything in his power to stop pro-life legislation.

Mr. Harper and Mr. Toews worked tirelessly to prevent Mr. Benoit's bill which would have acknowledged crimes against expectant mothers as including penalties for killing the unborn from making it's way to the House of Commons.

Mr. Harper worked along with others to prevent late term abortions from being addressed at the convention and, infact, the most pro-choice policy on the books is with the CPC not with the NDP or the liberals.

I would encourage those in the pro-life movement to ask themselves whether or not this man, who has had the full benefit of a pro-life education, is the man that they wish to vote for and the man they believe reflects their values.


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