Saturday, September 16, 2006

Our Pro-Choice Prime Minister

As those who follow the abortion issue are aware at the CPC party convention prior to the election efforts to address late term abortions performed in abortion were not successful. With Mr. Harper's support efforts to ensure that the CPC did not take an abortion policy and comfort with the status quo of abortion on demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy (Statistically the vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester). Mr. Harper also took specific measures during the election to ensure that pro-choice voters would be reassured when he said that he would do anything in his power to stop abortion legislation in Canada.

Mr. Harper has articulated these views despite being surrounded by colleagues that would have had every opportunity to familiarize himself with abortion. He is making an educated informed decision about his abortion stance.

Mr. Harper articulates these views despite the devotion of the social conservatives through donations, votes, and footwork during elections.

Mr. Harper articulates these views despite self-identifying as a Christian and attending a church that teaches the pro-life message.

Those who value the lives of the unborn cannot look to a man who puts on a military uniform for the cameras and re-lives the dreams of his childhood. We need to look to politicians that will offer meaningful action towards promoting a prolife culture in Canada and helping expectant mothers who are in crisis to give birth. True bravery is absent when someone can't even defend a child.


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